Carmen Zepeda-Herman
Carmen Zepeda-Herman, MA, RPA
Archaeology Project Manager
619.308.9333 ext. 133
Carmen Zepeda-Herman, MA, RPA leads RECON’s cultural resources group where she directs cultural resources field surveys, test excavations, data recovery excavations, and construction monitoring for cultural resource studies. She also conducts background research, site records maintenance, and assembles crews for completion of projects with extensive experience in the southern California desert regions.
Carmen works with a range of regulatory and assessment frameworks including National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA), National Register of Historic Places (NRHP), California Register of Historic Resources (CRHR), and California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).
Carmen earned an MA in Anthropology, is certified by the Register of Professional Archaeologists, and meets the Secretary of the Interior’s Professional Qualification Standards for Archaeology (36 CFR Part 61). She is also on the County of San Diego Approved CEQA Consultants List for Archaeological Resources, is a City of San Diego Qualified Archaeological Principal Investigator, is a Orange County Certified Consultant, and is on the County of Riverside Cultural Resources Consultants List. Carmen is a member of the Society for California Archaeology and the San Diego County Archaeological Society.