Biological Resources

RECON provides a full range of biological services for a wide range of public and private projects, from re-development or infill projects to large-scale infrastructure and development projects. We see our role as a team partner to efficiently guide clients through the environmental process and navigate regulatory requirements related to biological resources. We have extensive knowledge of local biological resources and the regulations surrounding them. Our credentials include permits, authorizations, and training for special-status species in southern California, including jurisdictional wetlands, Crotch’s bumble bee, Quino checkerspot butterfly, coastal California gnatcatcher, least Bell’s vireo, fairy shrimp, arroyo toad, western burrowing owl, and various listed plant species.

Our technical expertise of biological resources, paired with our solid understanding of applicable local, state, and federal regulations, ensures that regulatory requirements and mitigation solutions are identified during the initial phases of project planning. Our team is experienced in developing biological technical reports that meet the regulatory requirements for various jurisdictions throughout southern California. With our reputation for great service and positive relationships with regulatory agencies, including the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, California Department of Fish and Wildlife, and local jurisdictions, we have a track record of success securing agency permits and approvals for projects with complex biological and wetland resources.


Inventories, Mapping,
and Documentation

  • Biological Resource Surveys and Technical Reports

  • Biological Constraints Analyses

  • Threatened and Endangered Species Surveys

  • Vegetation Community Mapping

  • Habitat Assessments

  • Biological, Construction, and Compliance Monitoring

  • Aquatic Resource Delineations

Resource Agency Permitting

  • Section 7 Consultations

  • Section 10(a) Permits

  • Section 404/401 Permits/Certifications

  • Section 1601/1503 Permits

  • Section 1602 Streambed Alteration Agreements

  • Section 2081 Permits

  • Resource Agency Coordination and Consultation

  • Public Meetings and Hearings

Permits, Certifications, and Training

  • Qualified Consultants List for Multiple Agencies

  • USFWS 10(a)(1)(A) Permit

  • CDFW Scientific Collecting Permit

  • California Rapid Assessment Method (CRAM) Certified

  • ISA Certified Arborist

  • OSHA 10-Hour and 40-Hour Construction Safety

  • First-aid/CPR/AED

Featured Projects


Cailin Lyons
Biology Project Director